Contrast between modernization theory and dependency theory pdf

Dependency theory seeks to analyze international politics by concerning itself with the existing unequal relationship among nationstates i. Modernization versus dependency in the context of colonial bengal. Dependency theory was first formulated in the 1950s, drawing on a marxian analysis of the global economy, and as a direct challenge to the free market. It concludes with a brief look at the theory s limitations. Naturally, this fact determined the principal difference between these theories, but, nevertheless, there are still certain similarities between. Comparison, contrasts and similarities between the modernization. Currently, modernization and dependency theories are the two worldwide accepted speculations illuminating the diversification in the economic growth of these countries. Pdf compare and contrast dependency and modernisation. Chapter i modernization theory structuralfunctionalism and modernization.

Modernization dependency theory and globalization theory. Development theory dependency and world systems theories. Pdf on feb 14, 2014, villy lalune published compare and contrast dependency and modernisation theories find, read and cite all the research you need. Modernization and dependency alternative perspectives in the study of latin american underdevelopment j. Comparison and contrast between modernization and dependency theories there exist very substantial differences between the modernization theory and the dependency theory. The basic assumption of this theory, in any of its versions, is that there is one general end page 157 process of which democratization is but the final stage. Modernization theory says that a focus on education, technology and mass media is a major reason that developed regions pull ahead from others. Dependency theory grew influential in latin america in the 1960s and 1970s, largely in reaction to modernisation theory and free trade policies, which originated in the west. Difference between modernization and modernization theory cram. Modernization, dependency, rural underdevelopment, african renaissance. Modernisation theory as a form of bastion against communism is not confronted as strongly as may be expected considering its economic viewpoint. Pdf compare and contrast dependency and modernisation theories. Relationships with developed countries and particularly with multinational corporations were viewed as. The ports ye shall not enter, the roads ye shall not tread, go make them with your living, and mark them with your dead.

What is the difference between dependency theory and. Modernization theory, dependency theory, globalization theory less on the relationship between dependent and core nations, and more on the international flows of capital investment and disinvestment in an increasingly integrated world market little, 2012. A critique of modernization and dependency theories in. The aim of this essay is to examine how traditional dependency theory, which was popular in the 1960s and 1970s as a criticism of modernization theory, can still be a useful tool for explaining global inequalities despite the challenges of. Drawing heavily upon the radical ecla and neomarxist theories, the dependency school conceptualized the linkages between the western. First of all, it should be said that dependency theory was developed in response to modernization theory out of sheer criticism of the latter theory by the supporters of dependency theory. Modernization theory explains the processes involved in conversion of underdeveloped societies to modern societies. Concepts of modernization and dependency theory example.

According to this optimistic theory, the only way which the third world countries should follow to develop themselves is to adapt the modern i. Theorists in favour of the modernization theory believe that irrespective of its history the underdeveloped country must imitate the ways of the developed world if it wishes to advance. Contrast 3 while modernization theorists argue that capitalism is a rewards system and that inequalities have to be tolerated as a result of innovation, dependency theorists argue that capitalism does not develop evenly and is concentrated in core areas and that the development of core countries is linked to the underdevelopment of peripheral. Aug 19, 2019 the differences in views between modernization theory and dependency frameworks highlight the advantages of the latter over the modernization process due to some reasons. Seeing the state of development or underdevelopment in latin america 1 and africa 2, i argue that dependency is created by a dominant country on these so called underdeveloped countries by creating a. Dependency theory vs modernization theory 22 words 6 pages. Mcclelland, hagen, lerner, inkles modernization theory. Pdf development and modernization theory handout perin. Compare and contrast modernisation theory and dependency. A major policy prescription that comes out from this analysis is the predominance of efficiency approach of wid development. Dependency theory and its close relative, world system theory, emphasized the role of external relationships in the developmental process. Another difference between the two concepts is that, unlike the dependency theory, the modernization theory gives little importance to the history of a nation. Dependency theory, despite its radically difference focus on the causes of underdevelopment, also rests upon masculinist conceptions of the unfolding of history, human labor, and the gendered divisions between the public and private realms.

The theory arose as a reaction to modernization theory, an earlier theory of development which held that all societies progress through similar stages of development, that todays underdeveloped areas are thus in a similar situation to that of todays developed areas at some time in the past, and that, therefore, the task of helping the. Dependency theory an overview sciencedirect topics. Dependency theory, an approach to understanding economic underdevelopment that emphasizes the putative constraints imposed by the global political and economic order. Dependency theories critique of the global capitalist system can be seen to stem, in particular from the writings of karl marx. Dependency theory was created in part as a response to the westerncentric mindset of modernization theory. Nov 26, 2012 modernisation theory takes a holistic approach, contrasting with dependency theory that focuses on critiques of the political and economic features of modernisation and western development. The theory came as a critical reaction to the conventional approaches to economic development that emerged in the aftermath of world war ii. The dependency theory, believed that the global north exploits the global south. Oct 05, 2006 the endogenous explanation is a modernization theory. Modernization theory is a hypothesis used to clarify the procedure of modernization that a country experiences as it moves from a simple society to a modern one. Thus, the modernization theory focuses on the internal development of countries and holds the premise that internal resources of each country are important because they allow accelerating its development through modernization. The next section will discuss an alternative theory of development, which is dependence theory.

This theory also, addressed such issues as poverty and economic underdevelopment throughout the world. This essay seeks to compare and contrast modernisation and dependency theory. Jan 20, 2021 dependency theory and modernization theory are two opposing theories in sociology. By the end of the 1930s, us policymakers and latin american specialists had begun to articulate an early version of modernization theory, which became a key feature of us foreign policy and north american development discourse in the years after 1945. Dependency theory has the main focus as the local population and environment, seeking to bring selfsufficiency and control to the locals in order to provide methods of growth while making sure the populace are the main priority. Difference between modernization and modernization theory. It is clear to see that the dependency theory has a deep connection with the globalization theory because definitely explains.

The political economy of africa and dependency theory 67 patrick bond 9. Dependency theory focuses on the economic underdevelopment of former colonies or nonindustrialized countries, while modernization theory focuses on how traditional or underdeveloped societies transform to modern societies. In such a way, unlike modernization theory, dependency theory does not view the choice in favor of western way of development as the panacea from all problems or as a conscious choice that is really supported by the population and elite of developing countries but such westernization of developing countries is viewed as a violent interference of developed countries in the life of the third world. An important inspiration for modernisation theory derived from the work of american. Jan 21, 2018 dependency theory as an intellectual movement emerged as a response to modernization theory, a quasievolutionary model of economic development that posited that nations move linearly through successive stages of growth gunder frank 1969. It is a central contention of dependency theory that poor states are impoverished and rich ones enriched by the way poor states are integrated into the world system. Bengal suggests that the assumptions of the dependency theory have greater explanatory power.

Parsons, smelser, levy, moore, hoselitz, bellah, eisenstadt sociopsychological theories of modernization. Modernization theory v dependency theory flashcards quizlet. Difference between modernization theory and dependency theory. It has also been found sometimes that both the theories are antagonistic to each other regarding their views about the international relationships and the development of the. But dependency theory, then in contrast, comes along about the same time. Page 1 of 11 modernisation and dependency are theories which specify the. We can even say that the dependency theory is an antagonist of modernization theory because it deals with how developing as well as developed nations interact. There are a few similarities between dependency theory and modernization theory ill explain it in the bottom line, but their difference are more. Dependency theory highlights that due to colonial and postcolonial endeavors the countries at the periphery are constantly exploited by those at the core. In the analysis of the differences between the dependency and modernization theory, it is important to primarily point out the disagreement between both theories on the causes of underdevelopment. Mar 28, 2020 dependency theory is more inclusive than modernization theory. Dependency theory is the notion that resources flow from a periphery of poor and underdeveloped states to a core of wealthy states, enriching the latter at the expense of the former.

If they just apply the laws of modernization, the tenets of modernization, they will take off in the economic society. Development theory and gendered approach to development. However, it does not explain on a global scale where the resources, labor and power come from to makes this development possible. Comparison, contrasts and similarities between the. What is the difference between modernization theory and. Modernization theory vs dependency theory essay example. Aug 31, 2015 dependency theory highlights that due to colonial and postcolonial endeavors the countries at the periphery are constantly exploited by those at the core. Alternative perspectives in the study of latin american. Two methodological similarities may be noted at the outset. The relationship between development and modernisation free. First of all, the dependency theorist was more consistent in explaining the outcomes of industrialization for society. The proponents of modernization theory claimed that underdeveloped countries were held back by certain cultural characteristics, or their lack of adherence to specific. During the last two decades, in sociology, particularly in american sociology, modernization has been the dominant approach to deal with the problem of underdevelopment in.

Dependency theory and chinese special economic zones in africa 93 honita. Modernization theory believes that social equality is the result of material growth while dependency theory believes that eth dependent country. Modernization versus dependency in the context of colonial. Dependency theory today 72 miguel angel centeno 10. Modernization theory the third world countries have experienced massive variation in the economic development since after the end of second world war. Jan 10, 2015 dependency theories would suggest the us and western europe are using climate control treaties to hamper the economic growth of rapidly industrializing nations such as india and china. Explain global stratification using modernization theory and dependency theory.

Comparison of dependency theory with modernization theory. Modernization theory emphasized internal factors while making an exception of science. In stark contrast to modernization theory, dependency theory underlines that relationships between developing and developed countries are based not on the growing cooperation between them but rather on the dependence of developing countries on developed ones. The more things change, the more they stay the same 79 ian taylor 11.

In the same line moles 1999 propounded that, dependency theory was developed in response to modernization theory out of sheer criticism of the latter theory by the supporters of dependency theory. These are the principal theoretical explanations to interpret. The conclusion is that both theories have failed to help develop africa. A critique of modernization and dependency theories in africa.

Dependency theory, thus, explain the relationship between two or more countries that assumes a form of dependence when a dominant country exploits the dependent one for its own gain and profit, under the cover of making it a modern while actually expanding itself and maximising it own profits. In stark contrast to modernization theory, dependency theory underlines that relationships between developing and developed countries are. Dependency theory is alive in different guises 86 matias vernengo 12. It states that global inequality is primarily caused by core nations or highincome nations exploiting semiperipheral and peripheral nations or middleincome and lowincome nations, which creates a cycle of dependence hendricks 2010. Modernization, dependency and globalization theories anonymous author university of the people introduction to sociology 1502 introduction modernization theory has received its fair share of criticism for being eurocentric. First proposed in the late 1950s by raul prebisch, dependency theory gained prominence in the 1960s and 70s. The discourse assesses the influence of modernization and dependency theories on africas development. Aug 23, 2008 the modernization theory believes that there are steps to success for every country. Rostow suggests that if aid is given during stage 2 then this can be used to modernise and improve. To put it more precisely, supporters of dependency theory stand on the ground that. Modernization consists of a gradual differentiation and specialization of social structures. Theoretical perspectives on global stratification introduction to. Samuel valenzuela and arturo valenzuela the end of world war ii marked the beginning of fundamental transformations in world affairs.

Dependency theory, on the other hand, sees modernization theory as eurocentric and patronizing. The dependency theory emerged in the 1960s but became popular in the 1970s. The defeat of the axis powers and the devastating toll which. Society for comparative studies in society and history. With the dismantling of protective barriers, developing economies found themselves at the mercy of international trade competition. Dependency theory is more inclusive than modernization theory. Modernization theory claimed that once developing societies came into contact with western european and north american societies, they would be impelled toward modernization and, eventually, would achieve the economic, political, and social features characteristic of the nations of western europe and the united states. This entry further describes dependency theory in contrast to modernization theory and other competing perspectives. Modernization theory posits that countries go through evolutionary stages and that industrialization and improved technology are the keys to forward progress.

On the other hand, globalization theory is similar to modernization theory but emphasizes the free flow of information, resources and people jrank, 2007. Contrast dependency and modernisation theory free essays. Global south studies latin american dependency theory. The modernization theory believes that there are steps to success for every country. Dependency theory was first formulated in the 1950s, drawing on a marxian analysis of the global economy, and as a direct challenge to the free market economic policies of the. Modernisation theory has several concepts that see the solution as a top down approach utilising international markets and investment to bring in wealth and development to the area. Modernisation and dependency repub, erasmus university. Dependency theory is a theory of how developing and developed nations interact. Instead placing emphasis on state led development as a mechanism for wealth redistribution. Pdf compare and contrast modernization and dependency. Modernization and dependency theory tutorial sophia learning. Compare and contrast modernisation theory and dependency theory. On the other hand, modernization theory describes the transformative processes of societies from underdevelopment to modern societies. Macrosociological theories of global stratification.

It can be seen as an opposition theory to the popular free market theory of interaction. The relationship between development and modernisation. The modernization theory believes that underdevelopment is a product of. This essay will follow on from this point to present the third contrast between dependency theory and modernisation theory.

Relationships with developed countries and particularly with. According to dependency theory, global inequality is the result of core nations creating a cycle of dependence by exploiting resources and labor in peripheral and semiperipheral countries. Modernization theory believes that social equality is the result of material growth while dependency theory believes that eth dependent country enhances social inequality which can lead to political authoritarianism modernization theory and dependency theory, 2005. Dependency theory is a kind of developmental theory, which is a major critique of modernisation theory. In contrast, the dependency theory holds the premise that international trade and relations lead to the redistribution. The discourse pins hope on the african renaissance theory of development. Difference between modernization theory and dependency. The modernization theory, which since the 1950s has. There is also dependency theory and globalization theory. Compare and contrast modernization and dependency theories of.

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